Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Standing TALL! (On the Wings Of My Dreams!)

My "hey look what I found out on the Interwebs!" recommendations are pretty delayed. I typically discover Internet memes right at the point where they pass from Widely Used to Irrelevant. Exhibit A: I only stumbled upon a year ago. And I still use it. Like, I Stumbled Upon stuff yesterday. And yes, I forwarded it to someone. And yes, it involved an animal doing something adorable. And yes, that animal was a mini giraffe.

However, I also saw this little gem of a website on a friend's Facebook page. I'm sure it has already been around the "have you seen this??" virtual block a few times. Nevertheless, it is still awesome. And has to be shared.

I give you, The Perfect Strangers Online Video Game:

For those of you who don't remember Perfect Strangers, you have my pity. It was an epic situational comedy from the late 1980s featuring the hilarious pairing of straight-laced Chicagoan Larry Appleton and his wacky, vest-rocking, Mediterranean cousin Balki Bartokomous. An impractical set-up, you say? Don't be ridiculous!

I LOVE this show. Loved it growing up, still love it today. In fact, I could drive to my sister's house tonight, ring her doorbell, and, just say "bow bow bow bow bow-bow bow-bow bow" and she would immediately join in. (To the non-Perfect Strangers fans out there, this is obviously The Dance of Joy.) My cousins and I can throw out a reference to "FWHEAT! My Story" (Not a typo, by the way.) and it's STILL funny.

And, I am sorry, Bronson Pinchot. You can try as hard as you want. It doesn't matter. You will always be Balki. Sure, shift your accent west a few latitudes, bedazzle your vests, and try to stride onto the set of Step By Step as Carol's new salon business partner. You're not fooling anyone Monsieur Bartokomous. I know you have your little lamb Demetri tucked away in that puffy shirt of yours somewhere.

Anyway, if you were a fan of the show, that link is definitely worth checking out. It's all about standing tall on the wings of your dreams. Who wouldn't want to do that? Plus, even if you aren't very good and dodging left and right and jumping to collect wish stars (again totally plausible), you're guaranteed to enjoy the musical score.

If you don't? Pshaw! Get out of the city...


  1. TG your back! I loved the whole posts! One of your friends sent me the link for the BATHTUB carzyness and I've been a fan ever since. Keep it coming!

  2. Thanks, Carolyn! You're the first "fan" to this blog who isn't forced to read it by familial guilt or friendship threats. I promise, I'll try to keep up with posting much better this summer. Quantity over quality, as they always say. :)
